In December of 2011, USA Today ran a story about voters
leaving the two major parties. However, the article noted that there is still a
large advantage of registered democrats versus republicans and even fewer
independents. Nationally we have about 42 million democrats, 30 million
republicans and 24 million other party affiliations. It is time for Democrats
and progressives to come home and vote our core beliefs of liberty and justice for
I was a registered
democrat for 17 years, but I rarely voted with my party. My first election in
1976, I voted for Jimmy Carter. By 1984, I was a Reagan Democrat. I joined the
Republican Party following the election of William Jefferson Clinton to the presidency
in 1992, and by the election of 1996 I was a full on ranting red-faced
conservative republican. I had not voted for a democrat for president since
Carter in 1980. I voted for Dubbya twice and I still pray heaven’s forgiveness.
I have now come full circle. I am ready to come out and announce to all who
will hear that I am proud democrat.
Like many Americans, by 2006 or 2007 I was weary of war and
Wall Street greed. The policies and actions of the George W Bush administration
had become too difficult to defend. The inspiring rhetoric and soaring oratory
of Barak Obama filled me with both pride and inspiration as he talked not of a
red America or a blue America, but of a United States of America. It was the
first time in my life that a political figure moved me. Yes, I believed we
could change America.
As a republican, I proudly cast my vote for Barak Hussein
Obama in the 2008 presidential election. I then changed my voters’ registration
to No Party Affiliation, and left the Republican Party. It was an act of
I believe we should spend more on peace than on war. We
should spend more on investing in our future than trying to recreate the past. I
want to live in a country where we wouldn’t dream of asking a soldier, sailor,
or airman to serve and then allow her to come home only to end up homeless. A
country that allows a warrior it has sent into battle to return from the fight
and become destitute is not worthy of the blood of patriots.
At the Republican National Convention, it sounded as if John
McCain and Mitt Romney thought we didn’t have enough wars going and needed to
mobilize quickly for Iran or Syria. I would rather make errors in negotiating
for peace than to be right about going to war.
It is time for those who once believed that peace is
preferable to war to reevaluate their current position. We are the largest
military power in the world. We can defend ourselves. We can be anywhere in the
world within hours and strike with massive military force laying waste to
armies and great cities. We don’t literally need to be everywhere in the world.
We lost our jobs, our savings and our homes, and regardless
of the vain babblings of the GOP mouthpiece, Fox News, the economic disaster
was the direct result of GOP policies. Nevertheless, we always pick ourselves up,
then reach down and help the person beside us. We do not step over our brothers
and sisters on the way out, we take them with us.
Recently the S&P 500 hit its highest number since 2007.
The auto industry has recovered and is growing again. Real estate is
stabilizing. We have made the turn and are heading towards the potential of
prosperous times ahead. Now is not the time to retreat to the failed economic
practices and foreign policies that produced the mess President Obama is
currently repairing.
Democratic ideas that invest in America by investing in her
people are superior to those who demand that the market control all aspects of
our lives both public and private. The free market has no use for those unable
to afford her services, whether they are luxury cars and homes, or basic
sustenance and health care.
Republicans want to return to power on the premise that
there is something wrong with America. What is it about us that they don’t
like? I reject the notion that America is in decline. I see an America that is
on the rise, an America that is poised to reclaim her place as the leader of
the free world. I see an America that is rightfully proud of its best and brightest.
The US Olympic team won the overall and gold medal count while the hot shots
over at NASA were landing rocket ships on Mars. In addition, and in honor of
Neal Armstrong, might I point out that the only flag flying on the moon is the
Stars and Stripes. Armstrong’s giant leap was not only the result of a small
step by a young democratic president but was the result a long march by
thousands toward a goal said impossible by millions. JFK challenged America to
send a man to the moon not “because it was easy, but because it was hard”.
Americans can do the hard things. We always have, and often the right choice is
the hard choice.
Churchill once said, “Americans can always be counted on to
do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." We
have exhausted all other possibilities. The politics of global conflict, of
military industrialism, of preemptive aggression is a failure. Diplomacy is a
much more effective weapon for long periods of peace.
Democrats believe that personal responsibility includes a
responsibility to our fellow citizens, to love our neighbor as we love
ourselves, to turn the other cheek, to go the extra mile, to give without
expecting a return; these are the Judeo – Christian values that built our
Republicans believe in a tough-love government that
encourages citizens to adapt a social Darwinism that believes only in the
survival of the richest. Republicans believe the rich are simply smarter or
have worked harder than others to become successful. However, Democrats take a
more Jeffersonian view that intellect comes in all socioeconomic classes and is
not limited to the elite.
Finally, it is time to recognize that the government of the
United States is not the enemy of the people. But there are elements of our
society, including elected officials that are enemies of the government of the
United States, those who would like to drown it in a bathtub and replace it
with the highest bidder.
Functioning democracy is not perfect. It is messy, chaotic
and at times contradictory. Politicians lie, special interest exert influence
for favors, somebody always feels like they are getting the shaft and the
country is going to hell in a hand basket. Churchill said it best, “Democracy
is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have
been tried from time to time." So, for the republicans, the libertarians,
the tea party patriots and others who are angry and feel we need to take our government
back I say bravo. Let’s take it back from this insane and dangerous notion that
government is the enemy of the people. Let’s take it back from the moneyed
interest and stockjobbers of Wall Street. Take back the halls of congress from
madmen that believe our president is some kind of foreign-born Islamic
terrorist hell bent on destroying our American civilization.
For those who are in the anti government camp I would point to
the words of Jefferson’s Declaration, “…that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right
themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed”. In other
words, you can put up with some things you don’t like. You don’t get your way
all the time.
Moreover, for our constitutional constructionist who insist
that we get back to our founders intention as laid out in the Constitution I
offer these words, “…establish Justice,
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty…” Domestic tranquility
and general welfare could have very broad meanings and open the doors for many
government programs like say, the Lewis and Clark Expedition or the
Transcontinental Railroad. It could also include interstate highways and healthcare
for all.
America is coming back, but we are not going back. We will
not return to the policies of favoritism and cronyism for the carpetbaggers and
scallywags of the 21st century. President Obama will take us forward
into a role of leadership in the new century. Our comeback is a progression not
a regression. We are constantly moving forward, not looking back.
We have put our hands to the plow and are not looking back,
for as the scriptures warn, those who look back are not worthy of the Kingdom,
and I propose to you today, that those who say we should take our country back
are not worthy of the promise that is America. The Republican Party consists of
what Thomas Paine called “summer soldiers
and sunshine patriots” those who “shrink
from the service of their country”. They want to reap the rewards while
others toil for their pleasure.
It is time for the Reagan Democrats, whom are now likely
card carrying Republicans’ to come home. If you are old enough to remember
Vietnam, the Kennedy’s, Dr. King and the turbulent times of the 60’s you should
also remember the hope one generation held out for change. President Obama is
leading on those ideals today. He needs four more years to complete the work he
has started and then let history be his judge.
If you believe in the “value” of sticking up for the little
guy and not letting some bully push them around, then Barack Obama is your
candidate. I’ll take the community organizer over the job outsourcer every
The stakes are too high and the cost is too great to allow
President Obama to lose this election. You might not agree with him on every
issue, but in the Democratic Party that’s okay. The prospects of a Romney
presidency are too frightening to imagine. He has stated that he is not
concerned about nearly half of our citizens. Romney’s economic policy will
favor the rich at the expense of everybody else, and if you doubt this check
his history as a CEO.
If you are a lover of liberty and justice for all then you
should cast your ballot for President Barack Obama. Move forward toward a more
perfect union, choose hope over fear, and embrace progress over a return to
failed policies and practices. Make a willful choice to seek out what is best
for the greatest number of people in our country. Choose unity over division.
Come home democrats to a party with a positive vision of America’s future
rather than remain in a party who feels we are in decline.
We once reached for the stars, and some soared among them.
The challenges of the 21st century are no less daunting.
Baby-Boomers, seniors, and working class folks, now is the time to reflect on
your values. Do you really believe in liberty
and justice for all and that we are, out
of many, one, or have you been deceived by the avarice that passes for
today’s Republican Party philosophy? Are you willing to let your neighbor die
on the hospital doorstep for lack of healthcare, or let a child go to bed
hungry so you don’t have to pay a higher tax?
America is better
than that. We overcome great odds because we are a nation bound together by
exceptional ideals. Help us continue to move those ideals forward by reelecting
Barack Obama as President on November 6, 2012.
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